How I generated $17,500 in one week for a Career Coach with a 5-post sequence (Exact Posts and Plug-n-Play Templates)

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How I generated $17,500 in one week for a Career Coach with a 5-post sequence.

Steal the exact posts and proven templates you can plug-n-play into your content right away.

Just one final step to grab your 5 post sequence with templates.

What you're getting:

  • The 5 exact posts that generated $17,500 in one week.
  • 5 plug-n-play templates so you can write your own money-making posts without wasting hours on trial and error.
  • The components of each post and the psychology behind why they worked so you can keep writing killer content even when you run out of templates.
  • How to write content that sells to your ideal clients without relying on virality.
  • A step-by-step breakdown of what you need to create content that converts – helping you add more zeroes to your monthly revenue.
  • Step-by-step walkthroughs of proven posts you can swipe today.
  • And learning how to link each element so the post flows like a river.

But that’s not all.

You also get:

  • Bonus 1: A 30-day content calendar so you never have to worry, “What do I post next?”
  • Bonus 2: 50% off on my 1:1 Power Hour if you book within 7 days of this purchase (Save $297)
  • Bonus 3: 20% off on my DFY Ghostwriting package if you buy within 7 days of this purchase (Save $7,200/year)

Exactly what you’re getting:

  • 5 word-by-word posts that generated $17,500 in one week
  • 5 plug-n-play templates for you to swipe right away
  • A 30-day Content calendar with examples

Now, I imagine you’ll have a few questions.

Here are the answers.

“Who is this for?”

This is for you if YOU:

  • Are a coach, consultant, or service-based business owner with a proven $2,000+ offer.
  • Have a skill and proven offer but no one sees value in it.
  • Are tired of writing sob stories and generic platitudes.
  • Are getting some engagement in your posts but zero clients.
  • Are tired of “I don’t have the budget to invest in your offer” type of leads.
  • Care about generating business revenue, not about getting dopamine hits.
  • Want to skip wasting hundreds of hours, writing thousands of drafts and start selling today.

“Do I need to be an experienced writer to get results from these templates?”

No. I’ve already done the hard work for you. You just grab the templates and start using them to write content.

These template’s point is to give you what already works and save you from wasting countless hours trying to figure it out on your own.

“What do I need?”

All you need is a monetizable skill and a proven offer.

“Will this work in my industry?”

As long as you serve people with problems, these templates will work for you.

The reason is simple: These templates are created using buyer psychology principles. While industries change, buyer psychology doesn’t.

“What’s the investment?”

It’s hard to put a price on something when you can keep using the resource forever, so the ROI keeps increasing over time.

These templates generated $17,500 for ONE of my clients in a week.

Even if that client hasn’t generated anything since, this would be a 6x ROI.

But you don’t have to invest $3,000/month to get such results.

It’s only $97 for you.

If you have a $2,000 offer and you get one client, the ROI will be 20x+.

Talk about getting a steal deal!

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How I generated $17,500 in one week for a Career Coach with a 5-post sequence (Exact Posts and Plug-n-Play Templates)

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